GURU Network AI Processor as a Service

Available Today

  • Data Driven GPT as a Service based of particular chain or protocol data presented on Data Warehouse dashboards. Currently embedded in Block Explorer and Data Warehouse as research assistant which is aware of data dashboards context.
  • AI Assistant with context of dAPP data and protocol insides working off the dashboards and queries created in Guru Warehouse and embedded in dAPPS. Deployed by GURU Team as part of Data Warehouse as GPT SQL Helper when composing the queries.

In Development

  • Blockchain data Science Research assistant productized and available for Ecosystem to consume as a service.
  • AI-powered time-series forecasting & anomaly detection (Inflow, Outflows, smart contract risks).
  • Behavioral analytics and P&L analysis.
  • ERC-20/NFT Sniping Bot AI

Dream Team

  • Evgeny Vakhteev Evgeny Vakhteev CEO
    Ex Hulu, Disney (video ingestions orchestration), CTO and Co-founder of DexGuru
  • Alexey Volynshikov Alexey Volynshikov Senior Backend Engineer
    Architected DexGuru Data Warehouse, indexation pipelines, co authored Guru Network orchestration architecture.
  • Evgeny Shestakov Evgeny Shestakov Backend Engineer
    Developers Office Lead, indexation, price calculations and Web3
  • Rodion Kharabet Rodion Kharabet Senior Frontend Engineer
    Developed DexGuru MVP, Web3 wallets integrations, and led all DexGuru frontend teams
  • Alexey Ilin Alexey Ilin Frontend Engineer
    Created pixel-perfect GUIs for DexGuru, Block Explorer, and Warehouse applications
  • Gennady Omyshev Gennady Omyshev UI/UX Designer
    All Guru applications, focusing on user experience and Web3 mechanics
  • Evgeny Evgeny Lead DevOps Engineer
    The hero behind our own Data Center
  • Ivan Lylov Ivan Lylov Manual/Automated QA
    Specified regression test cases, executed manual and automated tests for DexGuru products
  • Roman Roman Head of Community
    Guru Network's community alchemist and marketing aficionado, transforming engagement into $GURU
  • Nick Sawinyh Nick Sawinyh Advisor
    Blockchain expert since 2017, Co-founder of Defiprime, Key Opinion Leader (KOL), ex-CEO of DexGuru

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